Friday, March 06, 2009

Maisarah and her goodie bags

There are only 5 days left before her birthday, so Maisarah kept busy by preparing lots of goodie bags to be given to her classmates next week. Inside the bag is a toy recorder and a Thornton's bunny chocolate. I'm sure her friends will love them. 


A'a said...

kalo time besday..besday girl kena bg hadiah yer??...hmm..toy recorder tu apa??

Ahmed Razman said...

recorder tu macam flute, masa sekolah rendah dulu selalu main waktu kelas muzik

goodie bags tu macam party packs, bukan hadiah

Anonymous said...

hehe tina pun terpikir jgak ape benda la toy recorder tu..benda utk record toy?? pastu pepikir balik laaa recorder tiup2 tu la ;P