Sunday, August 30, 2009

Breaking Fast Invitation

Barbequed lamb, chickens and mackerels caught in Bangor, Wales (the fish, not the lamb and the chicken)

Nasi Kerabu with huge solok but minus the budu *sigh*

Today is our second invitation to break fast among friends in Liverpool. Unlike the first one where only a couple of families were invited (understandable because the host family is only renting a small 2 bedrooms flat), this invitation is open to all. The host is living in a bungalow so there is plenty of space for everyone. The men break their fast and perform prayer inside the tent while the ladies and the children remain in the house. The main meal is my favourite, Nasi Kerabu and they have the biggest solok I have ever seen. I just wish I brought my specially brewed budu with me at that time.

1 comment:

ajimsan said...

Fuh.. besar betul solok tu... lapaq.. lapaq.. best tu dapat nasi kerabu