I haven't seen my old schoolmate, Monek since we came back to Malaysia last year. So,when he invited us to his son's birthday party, I took the opportunity to meet him and also to view his new house at Kemuning Utama, Shah Alam. Lalan, my brother, provided consultation and contractors to do some interior design of the house. The house is quite spacious and it's surrounding is also very nice. Monek asked me when I'm going to pick up golf. Apparently, few of my batchmates have started to play the game together for quite some time now. I'm going to check the condition of my right knee with the doctor first. And my right elbow. And my left knee has also started to feel uncomfortable. What kind of sport can you play with your left hand only? Maybe I should pick up chess then.
2 years ago
fuh... besar tu rumah monek :) sapa lagi yang main golf tu? Start belajar dude...
yang dah start main golf ialah PN, Amir dan Azmall...aku tunggu tak larat main bola baru main golf hehe
tahun ni monek tak jemput lak aku.. biasanya dia jemput hehe... aku lak yang tak pernah datang...
ko start la pinjam golf set ayah ko...
aku kalau orang jemput makan free..memang akan sentiasa cuba meng availablekan diri hehe
skrg ni tak leh main sport... kaki kena mri scan daa
apasal teruk sangat kaki ko tu? problem lutut aritu masih tak ok ke?
lutut aku cedera rawannya...so kena mri scan untuk tahu serius ke tak
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