Monday, August 24, 2009


I got this prayer timetable from a Turkish grocery store. Yesterday was the longest fasting day ever for me and Jo, exactly 17 hours. Towards the end of Ramzan (or Ramadhan as we say it) Maghrib will be more like in Malaysia, at 7.23pm. I wonder what fasting in the UK will be like in few summers time? Maybe Tourism Malaysia can promote a one month Ramadhan holiday package for Muslims in the UK. I'm sure they can arrange daily visits to various pasar malam (night market) and Ramadhan buffets in hotels, things which are definitely will not be found in the UK.


pakteh said...

An ulama says we should fast at the maximum 14 hours

Jimmy said...

so..abe boleh la berbuka kalau dah sampai 14 jam. Takde pasar ramadhan kat sana eh? Hehehhe..tak teringat ke kat cendol Nik?

Ahmed Razman said...

pasar ramadhan ada...tapi cuma satu hari.. tu pun kat manchester.. sejam nak pergi..

haaa balik ni mesti nak makan cendol Nik!

A'a said...

saper nk tlg buat cendol Nik??kalu Nik tahu ni..hbh la..xtdo mlm ladio duk kisar beras..