Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ilyas' First Story

Ilyas always saw me writing in my blog. So today he wrote this story by himself without anyone asking him. And when he finished it, he showed it to everyone. We are quite impressed with him. Here is what Ilyas written in his note (the italic are my words):

One day Sarah found a big whelly (the actual word is welly, short form of wellington boot or rainboot) She says "it is my whelly" So Sarah take the whelly home. So she tell her mum. Her mum say "thats not my whelly" Sarah say "ho" (it supposed to be oh, Ilyas said) So she take it to her dad. Her dad says " ho (again, this is supposed to be oh) thats my whelly" Sarah say "I found it in the ground" her dad says "how did you go under grown (ground)" Sarah says I just dig Oh says her dad yore (you are) a good girl says her dad I dig it when I was little. The End.


pakteh said...

Could you please translate or rewrite what Ilyas wrote as Tok Ayah could not read his hand-writing. Believe me I tried hard but I could not see clearly.

Anonymous said...

Tok Wan
Abe please file the essay properly - it is so special and it will be more special in years ahead.
Proud of my grandchildren - they are so special in their very own ways and so many things....

Love you all

Tok Wan

pakteh said...

Now I could understand what Ilyas wrote .... whelly = welly for wellington boot. This is what I called innocent young bloger!

A'a said...

bila Ilyas nk jadi blogger??

JuNe said...

come on ilyas..u can do it!! hee