Today is World Book Day so Ilyas and Maisarah are going to school dressing up as characters from the books. Maisarah is Miss Little Red Riding Hood and Ilyas is, well you guess it, a Dinosaur. There will be a number of book related activites going on in the school to celebrate the day and I'm sure they will definitely going to enjoy them. During the morning assembly, I spotted a Darth Vader, Spiderman, Batman, wizards, witches and lots and lots of princesses. Even their teachers participated by dressing up as a Snow White, Cruel De Ville and pirates. One of them even sporting a beard like mine!
2 years ago
sangat menarik la tema aktiviti..
comell nyeee ehehheheh~
mana dapat costume ni semua?
baju little red riding hoo dbeli kat supermarket ASDA, baju dinosaur kat EBay
alahai... cutenyyyeeeer la sarah... :)
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