Last night there were several visitors coming over to my flat to have dinner and watch Portugal vs Germany on tv. Wan Abdullah, has just passed his PhD viva so I invited him over. Idlan and her friends have just came back from their Euro2008 tour in Switzerland and we heard many stories from them including one exclusive that I'm considering to keep for myself to be used in the near future *evil wicked grin*. Both of Idlan's friends came here from Malaysia for a 10 days trip and I just found out that both of them positioned higher than me in the Premier League Fantasy Football that was concluded last month. Talk about girls knowing more stuff about football than you do!
Razman, you forgot to mention that (a) top placing in the league was a girl;
(b) all of us who played and are in that picture were above you in the league;
(c) ada lagi sorang awek takde dalam gambar tu (tapi orang bangi juga) also atas dari kau
hmmmm... those things were intentionally left unmentioned.. since it's out to the public.. I wonder if I should make an entry about the 'shower scene'...
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