Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I'm going to limit myself now. Only 5 minutes each day. Okay, that's too extreme. 10 minutes per day. Hmm, maybe 10 minutes each morning and evening. That's better.
Starting next week.
Monday, October 29, 2007
New Arrivals
Perhaps its about time my faculty branching out here? :)
Friday, October 26, 2007
Manchester Trip
Today my family and I went to Manchester to send my wife's younger sister, Julie back home. She was with us for a one week holiday together with her mom. Her mom will be staying with us for another two weeks. On the way to the airport we stopped by Old Trafford Stadium. I took the opportunity to wander inside the Mega Store (didn't realise that they are only selling the black shirt for one year only, lucky me). There are many tempting merchandise but I didn't purchase anything. I want to wait for my final year here in the UK. That way I will have something really latest to bring back home. So I let my wife do the shopping instead and she got us the whole family same t-shirts, with an exception for Sarah as there is no size for her. But it is still a lovely pink shirt for her, as of course, anything is lovely with Manchester United logo on it!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Lancaster Morecambe Badminton League - League Match Five
Monday, October 22, 2007

He suffered a heart attack in his house in Taman Kosas, Ampang and was buried in his hometown in Kedah. He was 31 years old, same age as mine.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
5 Questions
5 things in my bag:
*notebook (year 2006)
*pens (with lids missing)
*highlighter (yellow)
*papers (mostly rubbish)
5 things in my wallet:
*cards (library, credit, debit, sports, photocopy, rewards, IC)
*driving license
*money (coins mostly)
*notes (small details like phone numbers etc)
*picture of Maisarah (I must have misplaced Ilyas')
5 favorite things in my favorite room (I dont have favorite room so I choose living room)
*Manchester United scarf
*Family pictures
5 things I would like to do
*Spending more quality time with my family
*Travelling to Europe with my family
*Finishing my Phd on time
*Publishing 3 articles in top journals
*Finishing developing my own website
5 things I'm currently doing
*Playing badminton
*Playing backgammon
*Using Facebook
I only knew few blogger friends. So if you are reading this, Idlan, Wan Huzaini, Durra, June and Roheida, you guys have been tagged!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Lancaster Morecambe Badminton League - League Match Four
In the end we won 13-5 overall. So that makes three wins and one lose so far. Not bad at all.
Body Fat Part 3
And to rub salts to the wound, my B.M.I is 25.9 which still falls under the 'Overweight' category. And my body fat is getting worse, it's getting from 20.4kg(July) to 20.7kg(August) to 22.8kg(now). In term of percentage, it is getting from 25.1%(July) to 26%(August) to 29.1%(now). It hovers between 'Average' and 'Poor' now.
There is only one conclusion from this experience: something is wrong with that weight machine in Boots!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
New friend
Lancaster Morecambe Badminton League - League Match Three
Last season they beaten us 13-5. This time it's getting slightly worse, we lost 4-14. I drew both my men doubles (with Paul 15-9, 4-15 and with Tim 15-12, 10-15) which is quite an improvement since last season I lost all sets. But I'm not so lucky with Brenda, we lost 10-15, 7-15, compared to last season when we split.
I am not looking forward to play again with them at their home ground sometime in January. We lost 2-16 last season, our worst performance.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Car Boot Sale and British Honesty
Subject: Help in contacting a possible member
A Malaysian student bought a 'dinner/drinks' trolley from Greenhalgh Car Boot sale, Blackpool last Saturday (October 6th). The couple who sold it to her have visited the University today, as they noticed after they'd that it was incomplete. They have left the missing items with me. I was wondering if you would be able to contact your members in case it was one them. As this student is planning to leave at the end of the year I am assuming that she's a Postgraduate.
Regards Xtine
Christine Jones
International Students' & Money Adviser
LUSU Advice
Tel: 01524 593769
We already knew that Malaysians here are famous for scouring Car Boot sales every Sunday but I'd never knew that someone would travel more than 30 miles just for that purpose. I guess it was a special occasion or it could be that Car Boot sales in Lancaster no longer have any surprises in store for her (judging from what she'd bought, she could be right). Or I could be wrong, this Malaysian might be from other university which is quite near to Blackpool. Another thing that struck me is how much further this British couple is willing to deliver this missing item. They could just leave it like that, after all they were selling old items and these things are expected to missing a few parts here and then. The travelling cost (mostly car fuel) to Lancaster might offset any profit that they made from the sale of this item, but then, that's British for you!
Breaking Fast in Lancaster Part 5
Sunday, October 07, 2007
LUMSS and KULM meeting
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Breaking Fast in Lancaster Part 4
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Manchester Mystery
Lancaster Morecambe Badminton League - League Match Two
My first match was with Tim and we had a very close fight in the first set in which we were narrowly beaten 16-17. We should have won that because in the second set we won it easily with a score of 15-9. My next match was with Mark and it was a breeze where we won 15-10, 15-4. Last season I played twice with Brenda against Ingleton B and we drew 2-2. This time we drew again with a scoreline of 8-15, 15-2. Overall, we managed to beat Ingleton B 11-7 and this makes it up for a long journey (17 miles or so) just to get there. In addition Ingleton Community Centre only had one court so we had to take turn to play. I finally arrived home at 12 midnight.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Mathematic question (or is it Accounting?)
Kamu pinjam RM50.00 dari A dan pinjam lagi RM50.00 dari B. Maka kamu telah meminjam sebanyak RM100.00 dan kamu kini membeli sepasang kasut yang berharga RM97.00 dengan wang tersebut, dan bakinya masih lagi ada RM3.00. Dengan duit RM3.00 itu, kamu pun bayar hutang A =RM1.00 dan B = RM1.00. Manakala RM1.00 kamu simpan sendiri.
Maka hutang kamu dengan A dan B masih ada sebanyak RM49.00 lagi! Jika hutang kamu dengan A(RM49.00) + B (RM49.00) = RM98.00 dan campur dengan RM1.00 yang anda simpan sendiri = RM99.00! Di manakah RM1.00 lagi pergi ?
It helps if you think of this problem with asset and liability in mind.....
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Blackburn Rovers Reserve 1 Manchester United Reserve 0
Monday, October 01, 2007
New Arrivals
I got new neighbour now. A Malaysian family with two young children. The husband and wife used to be my juniors when we were undergraduates here. Yesterday my family and I took them to a car boot sale and shopping in Asda. They already have a car, bought from one Malaysian family leaving yesterday. £300 for a 1996 Ford Mondeo is quite a bargain honestly.