Friday, August 10, 2007

Body Fat Part 2

Today I went to Boots again to confront that weight machine. It is exactly one month since the shocking revelation that I was in fact overweight. So I braced myself and put some coins into it and waited for the printout.

Some good news first:

1. I managed to reduce my weight from 81.4kg to 79.8kg (a 'whopping' 1.6kg (or 2%) decrease).
2. My B.M.I is currently 26.1, a 0.5 point decrease from 26.6.

err... that's it.

Now for some bad news:

1. I'm still overweight. If my B.M.I is over 25, I am still considered overweight. Rats!
2. My body fat increased from 20.4kg to 20.7kg (from 25.1% to 26%). So it is still between Average and Poor.

I don't understand this. I managed to reduce my overall weight but my body fat is increasing instead. Things that I did over the months are playing badminton three times a week, skipping dinner almost every night, eating less of chocolate and chips and walking around the university whenever I had the chance.

So assuming that I maintain whatever that I am doing so far and if reduction in weight is a linear progression, I should be able to attain my ideal weight in two months time. Plus the Ramadhan is coming. So I will only say this to that weight machine in Boots, "I'll be back!"

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