The tournament in progress

The organiser and the finalists

The champions?
Today is the annual Liverpool Games and there are three sports on offer; futsal, badminton and netball. Since Awa is playing futsal with Liverpool team, I asked Huzaini to partner me in the men doubles. We registered as a Lancaster team and the tournament is supposed to start at 12 noon. However due to delays in netball matches, the tournament only started after 1 o'clock.
There are 13 doubles and four group. In our group there are 3 doubles including us. In the first game we were quite nervous and were behind 5-11 at one time but finally we managed to win 21-17 against the Liverpool doubles. The second game is against Cheetam Hill doubles and we won 21-16 which qualifies us to the semi final. We were quite lucky to face Glasgow doubles in the semi and won easily 21-11 and 21-14.
The other semifinalists were quite good, a young doubles from Sunderland against the Cheetam Hill veterans. Eventually through skill and patience those veterans managed to get a win and ready to face us in the final.
However, the sports centre where we are playing had to close so there is no final match. Huzaini asked to flip a coin to determine the winner but eventually we decided to share one gold and one silver medals for each double. It's a good deal since I'm not sure we can beat those veterans :)