Friday, March 23, 2007

On a Holiday

It is less than 24 hours now, before my family and I take Etihad Airways flight from Manchester Airport-Abu Dhabi-KLIA. I guess this means plenty of teh tarik and roti canai sessions for the coming days and less of blogging. Adios!

Raihan - Thank You Allah

Raihan - Puji-pujian

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Since we are going back for a month long holiday in Malaysia this Saturday, the week has already becoming a very busy one for me and Jo, work and pleasure included. Let start with the pleasure first. Since the 10 sets tournament last Saturday, I have been playing in two more badminton sessions in Monday and Wednesday. I have tried to smash very hard whenever the opportunity came because I secretly wished that the string will get broken and I can get a new one back in Malaysia, hehe, but to no avails.

As for work, I've been busy preparing all the necessary arrangements for data collection and analysis once I'm in Malaysia, so it's not really a total break for me. Jo is currently trying to figure out how to put all the gifts that we have bought into the 4 tiny suitcases, which seems to be quite impossible at the moment. There are several gifts still scattered around the flat, and I had a feeling that they will remain there until we come back here again.

Well, time for me to pack up my futsal shoes and badminton rackets, my only essential stuff!

Siti Nurhaliza - Bukan Cinta Biasa

Siti Nurhaliza - Seindah Biasa

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

True Ghost Story - Ever Lasting Love

*Received in my e-mail, thanks Bong!

This is a true story of a young college girl who passed away last month, at Shah Alam. Her name is Priya; she was hit by a lorry. I don't want to mention the name of the college. She had a boyfriend named Shankar. He lives in Johore. Both of them are true lovers. They are always on the phone with each other. You can never see her without her handphone. She spends ¾ of the day talking with Shankar. Priya's family knows about their relationship. Shankar is very close with Priya's family (just imagine their love).

Before she passed away she always told her friends "If I pass away please burn me with my handphone". She also said the same thing to her parents. After her death, people couldn't carry her coffin. I was there ~ a lot of them tried to do so but still couldn't, everybody including me, had tried to carry the coffin, the result was still the same. Eventually, they called their neighbour, a "bomoh" from Thailand (Pak Darin), who is a friend of her father's. He took a seat and started speaking to himself slowly. After a few minutes, he said "this girl misses something here". Then her friends told Darin about her intentions to burn her with her phone. He then opened the coffin and place her phone, together with the SIM card inside the casket. After that they tried to carry the coffin. It could now be moved and they carried it into the van easily. All of us were shocked. (can you feel the fear? I'm shaking at this moment.)

Priya's parents didn't inform Shankar that Priya had passed away (pity Shankar). After 2 weeks Shankar called Priya's mom. Shankar: "Atte, I'm coming home today. Please cook something nice for me. Don't tell Priya that I'm coming home today; I want to surprise her." Her mother replied, "You come home first, I want to tell you something very important."After he arrived at Shah Alam, they told him the truth about Priya. Shankar thought that they were fooling around. He was laughing and said,"Don't try to fool me ... tell Priya to come out ... I have a gift for her. Please stop this nonsense." Then they show him the Priya's death certificate; they gave him proof to make him believe.

Shankar started to sweat profusely. He said, "It's not true. We spoke yesterday. She still calls me." Shankar was shaking so badly when suddenly, his phone rang."See this is from Priya. See this ...." he showed the phone to Priya's family. All of them told him to answer. He used the loudspeaker mode. All of them heard this conversation, loud and clear. No cross lines, no humming. It was Priya's voice! And there was no way others could use her SIM card as it was nailed inside the coffin! They were so shocked and asked for Pak Darin's help. Pak Darin brought his master (Tok Chen) to solve this matter. He and Pak Darin worked for 5 hours ... then they discovered one thing .....

*DiGi. Best coverage ever, ONE LOW FLAT RATE~!!!!!!! Anyone, any network,anytime, ANYWHERE!!!*


Sheila On 7 - Berhenti Berharap

Sheila On 7 - Dan

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Kain Kapan Hj. Teepoo

Al-kisah ada seorang businessman yang kaya raya bernama Hj. Teepo. Apa saja nama bisnes atas muka bumi ini, dia ada. Sayang, kekayaan Hj. Teepo adalah sebahagian besar hasil penipuan dan putar alamnya dalam bisnes. Sahamnya berpuluh juta, hasil penipuan. Tanah ribu hektar, pun hasil tipu. Wang beratus juta juga, tipu punya hasil. Puas isterinya memberikan kaunseling agar Hj. Teepo berhenti menipu, namun tak dihiraukannya. Kerana makan terlalu banyak dan mewah, dinner tiap-tiap malam (orang belanja of course), exercise tarak, satu hari Hj. Teepo disahkan oleh doktor mengidapi penyakit barah dan disahkan akan padam dalam masa sebulan.

Maka teramatlah hiba hati Hj. Teepo nak meninggalkan dunia ini, tambah pula mengenangkan segala aktivitinya selama ini. Maka dipanggillah anak isterinya untuk berwasiat, "Kain yang dah buruk, koyak pun tak apa, buat kain kapan aku. Aku dah banyak merasa kemewahan di dunia ini. Biarlah kain buruk yang ku bawa ke akhirat," jelas Hj. Teepo dengan genangan air mata. "Kenapa begitu bang?" tanya isterinya. "Saja aku nak merasa pakai kain buruk pula," jawabnya lagi. Isterinya terdiam, tapi hatinya berbisik, "Syukurlah, walau dah agak terlambat, ada juga kesedaran dan keinsafan di hati suamiku."

Maka tempoh sebulan cuma tinggal 24 jam lagi. Dengan wajah sugul, Hj. Teepo berbaring di kamarnya. Kain putih yang dah lusuh dan terkoyak sana sini telah siap disediakan. Untuk terakhir kali, si isteri menghampiri Hj. Teepo. "Bang", bisiknya perlahan. "Buat kali terakhir sebelum abang meninggalkan kami, berilah tahu kenapa abang nak dikapankan dengan kain yang dah buruk. Sedih saya melihat keadaan kain itu bang. Apakah abang telah insaf dan bertaubat dengan perbuatan abang selama ini?" Hj. Teepo merenung isterinya lama-lama dan bersuara, "Baiklah, mari rapat kepadaku" isteri Hj. Teepo terus menghampiri suaminya.

Dengannada yang sedih Hj. Teepo bersuara, "Yang, you pun tahu, terlalu banyak dosa yang I lakukan selama ini. Berapa ramai orang yang dah I kelentong. Jadi cukuplah kemewahan yang I rasakan. Biarlah I dikebumikan dengan kain buruk saja." Isterinya masih ragu-ragu."Apakah abang fikir dosa-dosa abang boleh diampunkan dengan berkain kapan yang buruk begitu?" tanyanya lagi.

"Bukan begitu Yang. Kalaulah abang pakai kain kapan yang buruk, nanti Malaikat Mungkar dan Nakir fikir abang dah lama mati. Mereka juga akan fikir abang dah kena soal. Taklah nanti mereka soal abang lagi. Jadi selamatlah abang....""Astaghfirullah hal 'aziiiiiiiiiim" isteri Hj. Teepo terus terlentang kerana terkejut berok dengan penjelasan suaminya.

P/S: Mati pun nak kelentong. Nak kelentong Malaikat pulak tu..... Ambik le iktibar....

*Received in the e-mail, thanks Bong

Rabbani & Mawi - Intifada

Raihan - Peristiwa Subuh

Monday, March 19, 2007


Beberapa hari yang lepas, satu temuduga kenaikan pangkat telah dibuat oleh salah sebuah anak syarikat TNB. Biasalah kan kalau nak naik pangkat mestilah duduk ujian bertulis dan lepas tu barulah ujian bercakap pulak (temuduga lah tu) test suaralah pulak. Dan dalam ramai-ramai yang terpilih tu ade tiga kawan kita dari Terengganu telah dipilih untuk di temuduga.

Kebetulan pulak tiga kawan kita ni adalah peserta ketiga yang pertama. Apa lagi berdebar-debarlah depa orang ni. Kawan yang nombor satu mula la merungut. (baca ayat seterusnya kena ikut loghat Terengganu!) "Baru je sapa sini, letih tok hilang lagi doh bale baru sapa pulok". Sampuk pulak kawan yang kedua, "Mapuh kite kalu lagu ni. Aku doh kecut perut ni ." Dan bersuara la pulak kawan yang ketiga dengan berlagak macho seraya berkata "Mu nok takut bende gok awang eh. Kalu die tanye, mu jawap je la. Kalu mu tak tahu, mu bahang gi la jawap bende pun. Janji mu jawap. Doh hok mu due ekor ni takut sangat bak pe. Bukang nye tukang interbiuw tu nok makang mu". "Cee mu tengok aku nih, rilek je. Siap buleh control macho lagi".

Tiba masa yang ditunggu-tunggu, maka nama kawan kita yang pertama ni pun dipanggil. Dalam 15 minit kemudian, kawan yang pertama ni pun keluarlah. Apa lagi macam kera kena belacan la kawan nombor dua ni dok tanya apa soalan yang di tanya oleh tukang interbiuw tadi. "Eh awang menatang bende tukang interbiuw tanye mu tadi". Kawan nombor satu tadi pun jawap, "Susoh jugok soalan die, tapi aku tok ingak dok bende yang die tanye tadi, tapi se je yang aku ingak die tanye, Pengerusi TNB yang baru siape name. Aku pung jawap lah Datuk Jamaluddin Jarjis".

Kawan nombor dua pulak menyampuk "Ah sudoh aku tok reti nok sebuk name tu. Guane nih awang. Aku rase nok terkecing doh ni. Ah aku tulih kat tangan je la awang. Kalu die tanye senang le sikit aku nok jawak." Pastu sampuk le pulak kawan nombor tiga yang berlagak pandai ni, "Bak pe yang mu jadi bodo sangat nih. Jangan tulih kat tangang, nanti tukang interbiuw tu nampok mu tulih situ. Mu tulih kat getoh spenda (seluar dalam la tu) mu tu. Kalu die tanye, mu selok la sikit spenda mu, mu buat-buat la gatal kat perut. Pas tu mu kerling la sikit name Pengerusi TNB".

Apa lagi kawan nombor dua suka la dengar idea bernas kawan dia tu.Tapi dia tak tak tahu yang kawan die nombor tiga tu pun panik gak, sebab dia pun tak tahu nak sebut macam mana. Nama kawan nombor dua pun dipanggil. Dalam 20 minit kawan nombor dua tak keluar-keluar lagi. Kawan yang nombor tiga dah panik kenapa kawan dia tu tak keluar keluar lagi. 5 minit kemudian keluar la kawan nombor dua ni dengan muka tersenyum. Kawan no. 3 pun tanya la, ape soalan yang keluar, jawap la kawan no 2 ni, "Susoh jugok soalang die tapi soalang Pengerusi TNB tu aku buleh jawap, aku sempat selok spenda aku. Tukang interbiuw tok nampok aku selok tadi." Aku pung sebenor nye tok tahu jugok nok sebut name Pengerusi TNB tu."

Jawap lah kawan no 2 tadi." Mu tulih pade getoh spenda mu tu macang aku buat nih" Kawan no 3 pulak jawap," Aku nok tulih macam mane aku tok pakai spenda". Ape lagi kelam kabut le kawan kita. Tibe-tiba kawan no 1 yang dari tadi berdiam diri tadi bagi idea. "Ape bende yang susoh sangat ni. Awang, mu beri je spenda mu kat die kejap." Apa lagi bergegas la kawan-kawan ni pegi toilet untuk berpindah seluar dalam. Tak lama lepas tu nama kawan no 3 ni pun di panggil. Dengan semangat berkobar-kobar dan rase confident yang amat sangat kawan kita ni masuk dalam bilk interbiuw tu.

Dalam 10 minit kawan nombor 3 ni keluar sambil tergaru-garu kepala dengan muke kepelikan. Kawan-kawan dia yang luar ni tanya la kenapa keluar awal sangat. Dia menjawap, masa ahli panel tanya nama Pengerusi TNB, lepas tu dia jawap la. Tak pasal-pasal semua ahli panel tergelak-gelak sampaikan ada yang mengalir-alir air mata tak tahan sangat. Pastu kawan-kawan ni tanya la, "Masa ahli panel ni tanye nama Pengerusi TNB tu, ape mu jawap?" Dengan confident dia bagitahu dengan kuat dan lantang " Datuk Calvin Klien!".

Rupe-rupanye masa kawan-kawan ni berpindah seluar dalam tadi, kawan yang sorang ni dah terpakai terbalik, yang belakang ke depan, yang depan ke belakang. Name Pengerusi TNB yang baru tu kat belakang, nama jenama spenda tu pulak kat depan. Apalagi tergelak besarlah kawan-kawan yang dua orang lagi tu. Sebagai pengajaran untuk anda semua jangan la cuba menipu mase interbiuw nanti. Tak berkat.

Raihan - Senyum

Raihan - Allahu

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Mercy Malaysia

Alhamdulillah, LUMSS and KULM have decided that all players fee during the sports carnival will be donated to the Mercy Malaysia. They have a London office so Lopes will bring the money to them. In total, we managed to collect 35 pounds from the players. Hopefully this will be the first step for both societies to make more contribution to the needy.

Raihan - You Bring The Light

Raihan - I'tiraf

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Karnival Sukan Lancaster

Today is a very exciting and tiring day for me. KULM and LUMSS organised a sports event in the university sports centre from 9am until 1pm. There were a badminton tournament (men and ladies double) and a futsal match between undergrad and postgrad. Winner of the futsal match will receive a 'Piala Pusingan Presiden KULM'.

I partnered with Huzaimi for the men double and our wives were also partnered with each other. We had to play against 5 other doubles with two sets for each match. Ladies double is a knockout tournament and since our wives were beaten in their first match, they were no longer involved in the tournament. Not like they care so much, because it was a very tiring match for them (they lost 17-14, 9-15, 13-15 to Linda and Nitty, the eventual runners up).

As for the men double, Huzaimi and I are considered top seeded and we lived up to the reputation by becoming champion (we won all 10 sets that we played). Bazlan/Ijan came second and Ken/Lopes were third. Jun/Nazihah easily beaten Linda and Nitty in the ladies double final. We all received our medals but it was quite funny when we realised that both winners for men and ladies were actually receiving a cricket medals! It seems that the shop has misplaced the 1st place medals.

During this tournament, they have various kind of activities for the children like 'tarik tali', egg and spoon etc. It was a very lively affair with all the music and the laughter. And all the kids were given presents and sweets.

The final event is the most anticipated one, where undergrad will play against postgrad in a futsal match. Since there are only 5 undergrad players, they imported Tun, KULM President as one of theirs. Postgrad team has 7 players, all of them just finished playing badminton previously. The game started in balance where both team trying to get an early goal but undergrad seems to have an upper hand. However, postgrad managed to get an early break when I managed to assist Huzaimi to score the first goal of the match. Undergrad just couldn't recover from that goal as we added two more goals from Asmadi (another assist from me) and myself.

Second half started just like a first half where the undergrad were trying very hard to get their first goal and managed to do so when Tun scored from an acute angle. However, Tun quickly managed to score an own goal afterwards when he deflected the ball into his own net from my corner kick. The postgrad managed to put the final nail on the undergrad coffin with another goal by Asmadi. So the final result is 5-1 to the postgrad team. We presented the cup to Tun for him to keep since he is considered a postgrad leader (being a KULM President).

Afterwards, the undergrand wanted a futsal rematch. Maybe once we finish basking in the glory (which could take several weeks, or even months) then we will think to consider a rematch, hehe.
*Thanks Jun for the pictures

Raihan - Syukur

Raihan - Bismillah

Friday, March 16, 2007


When people talks about the culture in UK, charity is probably not the first one popping up on their mind. But it is huge here. You can see it everywhere, from the National Lottery, to the various charity shops in the town (they even have one inside the university here). In Lancaster University, you will realised that almost every type of students society or events will have some sort of contribution to their selected charities. When I send Ilyas to his pre-school every morning, there will be several announcements on the board detailing how much money they managed to raise by selling cakes, pictures, organising events and so on.

And today is the Red Nose Day where you have a big round red thing on err.. your nose. Ilyas will be wearing a red t-shirt today. And getting your nose to be punched to make it bloody and red is an option.

With the spirit of charity on high today, I'm going to propose to the KULM president that all the players fee for tomorrow Sports Carnival will be donated to Mercy Malaysia. In addition to that, I've already set up an appointment with the UPM Deputy Vice Chancellor (Students Affair) when I'm back in Malaysia at the end of this month. I'm going to give him my working paper on setting up a student office based on the Lancaster University Volunteering Unit. It is a voluntary unit created to encourage students to participate in any charity events and contribute to the benefits of the surrounding community.

Charity begins from the heart.

Amy Mastura & Glenn Fredly - Dengarkanlah

Amy Mastura - Meniti Hari

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Wayne Rooney

Whenever there is a registered letter or package addressed to me or my wife, the college porter will put a little note in our pigeon hole, a reminder for us to collect it from them. I received two notes yesterday, one addressed to my wife and another one for me. It was an EBay stuff for my wife but my note has a remark on it, "See Mike". Mike is one of the porters and we are quite close as both of us love to talk about sports. Last month, I gave him a cake for his 62nd birthday.

So, last night after I finished my badminton matches, I went to see him. He said that since most of the parcels are always addressed to my wife, he's got a parcel for me this time. Wrapped nicely in a brown paper, in a shape of a book, with the word 'Ahmed' written in a large handwriting across it, and with no stamp attached to it, it was indeed his gift for me. I'm quite touched and thanked him. It's his way of appreciation for the cake.

When I'm back in my flat, I unwrapped the gift and what do you know, it's a 'Rooney: My Official 2007 Annual' illustration book. It has all the history about Rooney since he was a baby and a complete match analysis for each game he played since Everton until now (including the England matches). There are several interesting notes about him that I do not know of. And make me realise that he is indeed a very special talent.

This book will definitely take its place alongside 'Alex Ferguson: Managing My Life' and 'Red and Raw' in the bookshelf.

Kubur Mat Rempit

*received by an e-mail from Asmadi

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Teman tu, bukan macam papan skate… Sebelum main, gilap… dah main, pijak…
Teman tu, bukan macam bola sepak… Sebelum dapat kejar… dah dapat, tendang…
Teman tu, bukan macam bulu tangkis, Sebelum main pegang… dah main, pukul…
Teman tu ibaratkan macam ragbi, Sebelum dapat, rebut… dah dapat, jaga…
Teman tu macam jari… Lukanya sembuh sendiri… Hilangnya, tiada ganti…

*received through a Yahoo Messenger message today

Lancaster University International Evening 2007

Performance by the Malaysian Students Society

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Manju is going to Amsterdam today. Yesterday after a breakfast together, he and his family departed from Lancaster and went to Blackpool before finally arrived at the Anfield Stadium, Liverpool. I have arranged for him a stadium and museum tour (a blasphemous act for a Red Devils fan like me), but that turned out unnecessary since he was a few minutes late and they ushered him through anyway with payment made after the tour finishes. He finally realised one of his life long dreams and I'm glad for him.

After I attended my class in the morning, my family and I went to Liverpool and met Manju at the stadium. We decided to go to the Travelodge hotel that he's going to stay for a night. It is supposed to be 5 miles from the stadium and will took about 10 minutes. After 1 1/2 hours we are still nowhere near the hotel, and worse, we got separated. Manju finally found his hotel but I decided to go back to Lancaster. It was one of the worst experience of driving into a big city that I ever had. Just like driving in Penang. You have thousands of traffic lights and very little of signboards. Plus there are lots of constructions going about so there are many diversions and diverted traffic.

Liverpool, historic city of the world? Confused city of the world more likely.

Amy Mastura & Anuar Zain - Andai

Amy Mastura - Kasihku Sinar

Monday, March 12, 2007

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Manju comes to stay over in my house for a couple of days. He came last night with his wife and his two lovely daughters, Zeykhan and Zeykhazra. Zeykhan is as same age as Ilyas, which is 4 years old and Zeykhazra is going to be 1 year old next month. They have just arrived from Malaysia for a two weeks holiday around Europe (they will be visiting Amsterdam and Paris soon). Today we are going to take them to a car boot sale and visit some interesting places around Lancaster.

Manju was my classmate back when I was in MRSM Taiping (1992-1993). We sat next to each other in front of the class. Considering that both of us are among the tallest, we managed to block a pretty good view from those behind us.

Unfortunately he is a lifelong Liverpool fan. And he's already taught Zeykhan to pronounce Steven Gerrard and Xabi Alonso (!?) as Liverpool's best. However, since he is a guest, I will let those names to be spoken just this once.

And this is not helping my pride either. I had to book a stadium and museum tour for Manju, and its definitely not the theatre of dream!

Best Card Trick in the world?

Saturday, March 10, 2007


I went to my weekly Friday prayer yesterday at the University Mosque which is currently located in a portakabin. I remembered during my undergraduate time when we had to have a Firday prayer in a lecture theatre, then we have been allocated a former bar to be converted into a mosque. When I came here for my Master, the building in which the mosque is situated is about to be demolished and we had to move out to a temporary social room located near Graduate Bar. Currently we will be in a portakabin until the University built up a new permanent mosque near the Chaplaincy Centre.

Anyway, when I got in the mosque, I noticed an old British lady was sitting politely reading a pamphlet about Islam whilst waiting for the sermon to begun. For the past few weeks now, people from various background and religion have been attending our Friday sermon and they will be observing quietly at the back before joining us for the conversation after the prayer. I found it quite refreshing considering that the Muslim population in the University consisted from various sects and the fact that we managed to hold our prayers and activities together seems to give a positive reflection among the locals, I presume.

On a different note, I just found out through my friend's e-mail that I have been appointed as a Sport Committee Member for Kelab UMNO Lancaster Morecambe. Last time when they held an annual general meeting, I was outside the meeting when my wife told me that they have been nominating me for a President position. I had to intrude into their meeting to decline politely the nomination. I guess they must have realised that in no way I would be able to 'intrude' if the appointment is by an e-mail.

And I am not even a member of KULM.

Ella - Permata Biru

Amy Mastura - Jawapan Kasih

Friday, March 09, 2007


I have been smiling since yesterday. And the reason is... I won my first ever backgammon match with Kevin, my ex-officemate. Considering the fact that I've just learned how to play this game (from Kevin nevertheless) about two weeks ago, and Kevin used to play regularly in real tournaments, it was indeed a sweet victory.

We played a 9 point match. I was leading 2-1 when I offered a double cube to him. After several turns he offered to double it again. I couldn't resist the temptation and accepted the double. And with a stroke of luck (I managed to get a crucial double sixes) I won that game and was leading 6-1. He managed to win the next game and gammoned me on the next game with a double cube on board, so the score was tied at 6-6. I won the next game and the score stands at 7-6. When we play the subsequent game, he offered a double cube to me. This is my chance, I think, to win the match but it is not without a risk. I took the risk and the game continues. As luck would have it, I managed to put his pieces on the bar whilst succeeding in getting a six to steer my own piece away from his area. And the final score is 9-6.


Awie - Di Bayang Awan

Dinamik - Biar Putih Tulang

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Jump the Ship?

One of the most dreaded things that could happen to a PhD student is when he found out that another person has already did the same kind of research he intends to do, or worse, nearly finish of doing that. If that is the case, the option of whether to 'jump the ship' has always comes to mind.

I just found out yesterday that there is a paper published as an ICMA discussion paper in 2005 that did exactly what I have in mind for my own PhD research. I got hold of it, print it, and read through it straight from the printer. And my head is getting lighter.

Turned out that the paper did what I initially intend to do, but just stop short on what I'm really want to do. So, although the paper did their own governance index, whereas I am already securing an established index, it does took steps that mirrors exactly how it should be done. I should be happy now because all the necessary works of referencing and methodology steps have been outlined for me (haha). The next step is to further the analysis and trying to offer alternative explanation (the paper's finding is a complete opposite of what I'm expecting, so it should be interesting to find out who is right, or nearly right).

And I'm going to apply for an ICAS grant. To cover the FTSE All Share companies data. Which is going to be unthinkable to most new PhD students, I think so.

Silver Sun - Julia

Silver Sun - Lava

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

ICAS Research Development Programme

I was away for two days since last Monday attending an ICAS Research Development Programme in Edinburgh. It was a very good programme especially for the new PhD students like me since we have the opportunity to present our research proposals and have it discussed with a prominent professor in accounting. I managed to have a discussion with Professor Stuart Turley from Manchester Business School and as luck would have it, Professor Ken Peasnell offered me a ride home with him.

The journey back home took us about 4 hours including a break in service area. I didn't realised that Prof. Ken is such a very nice travel companion since we never had a dull moment throughout the journey. He told me stories on British Empire campaigns in Africa and Middle East and even some peculiarities of British people. And I managed to engage him to listen more carefully on my research proposal which he think has a lots of potential depending on the way I approach it.

So overall, I truly enjoyed the programme and I'm hoping that more new PhD students will take this opportunity to improve on their research effort.

*ICAS is The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland, the world's first professional body of accountants (est. 1854).

Fotograf - Di Alam Fana Cinta

XPDC - Semangat Perjuangan Harmoni

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Bugs Attack!

I think this is the first time since many years where the whole household went down with illnesses. It started last Friday when Ilyas had some coughing and Maisarah started to have a runny nose. I was beginning to feel rather tired on Saturday and Jo had some coughing as well by now (probably managed to got it from Ilyas).

By Sunday I was down with fever, together with Ilyas (he still had his coughing). From Monday until Wednesday no one has fully recovered yet. The worst was on Wednesday where Jo and Maisarah both were down with fever/cold/cough and Ilyas with cough.

Today Ilyas, Jo and I are getting better (although Ilyas has not been to school yet since Friday) with Maisarah still down with fever/cold/cough.

Our kitchen cabinet is beginning to look like a pharmacy now.

Search - Isabella

Awie - Tragedi Oktober